Saturday 13 June 2020

14th June 2020

Dear Friends
Finishing my curacy has not quite been as any of us would have expected and I am sad not to have the chance to say thank you and goodbye to each one of you personally. I remember arriving as a freshly ordained minister wondering what on earth I was doing, how I was going to be able to learn so many new things and particularly how I was going to remember how to do them! And now, four years later, I am leaving and moving onto my first post of responsibility, having been shaped by this place and each one of you. It has been an incredible journey, a wonderful benefice in which to serve my curacy and an absolute blessing to get to know so many wonderful people.
I am so grateful for your continued love, support, and encouragement during my time with you as I have grown in experience and confidence. Much of this growth is down to your patience and words of encouragement as I have attempted to master the many and varied nuances of ministry in the Church of England. Well, the basics at least which will stand me in good stead for the future!
It has been particularly wonderful, if rather challenging, to share in the new ways of being church over the past few months. I think we have all learned new skills and I still cannot believe that three months ago I had never heard of Zoom! But we have also had the chance to reflect on where God is in the midst of this situation and that we are the church, even though we cannot currently worship together in our church buildings.
The plan is that I will come back for a social gathering – once we are allowed to do so again. It would be lovely to have the opportunity to say a proper thank you and goodbye. In the meantime, I wish each of you well and will hold you in my prayers as we all continue along this path.
Thank you for your cards and good wishes. It has been so lovely to receive them. If you would like to stay in touch my email address is and my new address is The Rectory, Queen Camel, Englands Land, Yeovil, BA22 7NN.

With much love and many blessings for the future.
Katharine xx

Message from Ann and Georgina:
As from Monday (15th) we are pleased to say that our churches will be open again for private prayer.  Anyone who now wishes will be able to go into the church on their own, or with someone from their household, and take some time for quiet reflection.
Following the guidance we have received from the Diocese, we ask that you use the hand-gel provided, on entering and leaving the building, and also observe social distancing if someone else should happen to be in the building at the same time. In Whitestaunton we ask that only 2 people (unless in a household group) enter the building enter at any time.
This is a small step, but one in the right direction, and we hope that further stages will allow us to start holding some services again as soon as it is deemed appropriate.

Ann      01460 351521
Georgina    01460 66159

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