Sunday, 4 October 2020

Sunday Letter


October 4th

Chard and Combe are celebrating their Harvest Festival this week and Wambrook and Whitestaunton will have theirs next week. Harvest is here very quickly, everything seems to be going at breakneck speed, unless it is just me that thinks that. Harvest, the celebration of what we have and that which has been gathered into the store, one of the first festival’s to be celebrated by our Jewish forebears, and in all cultures.

Do you remember when you were young what a Harvest Festival looked like? All of our memories will be different won’t they depending on where in the country or indeed the world you were brought up.    In Starcross because we had the hospital for those with learning disabilities, Harvests were grand affairs, great mounds of produce that had been grown by staff and residents were brought into Church and arranged on a specially made wooden display stand that would be absolutely laden, windows were loaded too, such a wonderous display that I am sure many of you will be able to see in your mind’s eye. It was mostly fresh vegetables and fruits that were distributed in the village afterwards, today our focus has changed often tins and long-lasting goodies that will be given to those in our areas in hard ship, sharing what we have received.

Whoever sows sparingly will reap sparingly and whoever sows generously will reap generously.

Give what you have decided in your heart it says in 2 Corinthians ch 9 

I suppose it actually makes sense doesn’t it that when we give away others will return our generosity in kind and we will be richly rewarded, maybe with gifts that we can appreciate and savour or with gifts that are only seen in our hearts.  

It is only a small thing but I have been thinking about the apples on my tree that featured in one of the services back in the spring, the blossom was glourious and totally covered the tree subsequently we have been blessed with a huge number of apples, we are still trying to give them away if anyone wants some!! But when we first arrived in Chard six years ago now there was one apple on the tree and three the year after, a drastic prune happened the year after and from that moment on the tree was kind of shocked into action. So, for two years we tried to store the apples for eating over the winter, but they don’t keep, the skins went waxy and wrinkly, and yes, we wrapped them in newspaper. The answer is not to keep them, but put them out for anyone who wants to take them. Storing them up is a waste and has deprived others, it took a while and some of you learnt the lesson a long time ago.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

God looks after our needs, let’s help look after others needs, the amazing circle of love

Just a little note that there are a few different DVLA notice looking fraudulent emails out there at the moment, I have spoken to them as received a strange one and they verified that there are two or three doing the rounds. Also telephone calls from Amazon, again they don’t phone you ever, unless you ask them to. Stay safe it isn’t easy, if in doubt about a call no matter who they say they are, put the phone down and leave it for at least five minutes before checking there is a normal dialling tone and ringing the company/person to check out the story.


I am just about to order the Church Lectionary booklets for 2020/2021, if you would like a copy at £5.00 then please let me know. They contain the references to look up the Bible readings for every day of the year.


Reverend Georgina 66159

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