Friday 3 July 2020

Mid Week Musings

I managed to watch another wonderful live stream from the Cambridge Astronomical Society and I am still somewhere up in the cosmos!!  It did set me thinking though:  In Sunday school, I learned to think of God as a very old white-bearded man on a throne, who stood above creation and occasionally stirred it with a stick.  But as I have matured in faith I now think of God as being infinitely present in all creation, across the vastness of the universe.  Barbara Taylor Brown, Episcopal pastor, takes up my theme far more eloquently:
"Where am I in this picture? I am all over the place. I am up there, down here, inside my skin and out. I am large compared to a virus and small compared to the sun, with a life that is absorbed by them both. Am I alone? How could I ever be alone? I am part of a web that is pure relationship, with energy available to me that has been around since the universe was born.
Where is God in this picture? God is all over the place. God is up there, down here, inside my skin and out. God is the web, the energy, the space, the light—not captured in them—but revealed in that singular, vast net of relationship that animates everything that is.
At this point in my thinking, it is not enough for me to proclaim that God is responsible for all this unity. Instead, I want to proclaim that God is the unity—the very energy, the very intelligence, the very elegance and passion that make it all go. This is the God who is not somewhere but everywhere, the God who may be prayed to in all directions at once. This is also the God beyond all directions, who will still be here (wherever “here” means) when the universe either dissipates into dust or swallows itself up again."
Having tackled the infinite vastness of everything, I now feel enthused to go infinitely small and make a third attempt to read my idiot's guide to sub-atomic particles!  I'll let you know how I get on.........
With love

Rev'd Ann Kember
Rector of St Mary's Chard, St Nicholas Combe, St Mary's Wambrook and St Andrew's, Whitestaunton
01460 351521
07490 236179

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